Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An Old Poem

Sorry it's been a while but I've been...lazy. haha I recently got into some old stuff and I found a story I started to write but never finished and a not so bad poem I wrote from high school. I titled it "Trying to Escape":
I'm looking left and right,
And my mind is full of fright.
I'm trying to escape my fears,
And stop myself from tears.
I keep on running hoping that I'll win,
So I can be better than I've been.
This feeling inside seems to grow,
It's grown so much that now I run slow.
Reality's catching up with me now,
I want to escape but I don't know how.
Escape is no longer a choice,
I scream but no one hears my voice.
Reality's here and I don't know what to do,
Except to think that it's all because of you.

:Again it's not gold. This was back when every poem I wrote had to rhyme. But I do think that considering the circumstances that this poem is not bad at all.

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